An onion by any other name would smell as…strong? Are the vegetables in the picture above scallions, green onions, or spring onions? The answer is yes, according to many sources. I used to think scallions were similar to green onions but maybe slightly smaller or milder or some more technical classification difference. Nope. Green onions are scallions are spring onions. The difference is a regional language thing, similar to pop vs. soda (of course pop is right) or duck duck goose vs. duck duck gray duck (of course gray duck is right, you silly goose!).
Many East Coasters and New Englanders are more likely to call these onions scallions while most of the rest of us call them green onions. The name spring onion seems to be more of a nickname or more relevant to the past when these onions were only around for a short time in the spring. Nowadays, these onions appear in grocery stores all year round. Some people do differentiate the names a little and refer to onions with a small bulb as spring onions and the ones with no bulbs as green onions or scallions. So what is a green onion/scallion/spring onion? It’s just an immature onion that gets picked before the bulb forms. The smaller, thinner ones are more mild while the bigger ones have a stronger taste. And it turns out that I wasn’t too far off in my past impressions. Some people do designate the smallest and thinnest ones as scallions and the bigger ones as green onions.
Whatever you call them, if you like them, you may want to try this appetizer or add it as a unique item on a vegetable tray. They would also make a good low-carb snack. In my experience, they seem to appeal especially to men, so you may want to try them out on the men in your life for this upcoming Father’s Day as part of a meal.
I originally got this “recipe” from my mom. I think she made them as part of a relish tray for someone’s graduation party or confirmation or something like that. Thirty-ish years later, I still make them fairly regularly. What’s even more surprising is that I like them, especially when the onions tend to be milder. When I name the small list of foods I do not like, raw onion is always on that list, but somehow I like these, raw onion and all. Give them a try.
Green Onion Wraps
(I am not listing quantities because you could make 1-100 or more, depending on the occasion.)
- cream cheese, softened (less fat or fat free would be fine if you are concerned about that)
- thin sliced wafer meat (I always use corned beef, but you could choose what you like)
- green onions/scallions/spring onions
- Clean and trim the onions by cutting off the root end and removing any bad outer layers. I usually trim down the green tops, leaving a few inches of the healthiest and greenest parts.
- Fold one round of meat in half and gently spread the top layer with the softened cream cheese.
- Place one onion on top of the meat, lining up the white end of the onion with the folded edge of the meat. Roll the meat and cream cheese around the onion tightly. If the meat layers try to separate or unroll, add a dab more cream cheese to secure it in place. Set the onion wrap with the folded side down to help seal it.
- Chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
- (The whole onion is edible, but most people only eat part of the green tops.)
Source: My mom
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My mom always made these for all occasions. They remind me of her every time I make them. And I make them for every occasion