Posted on December 7, 2015
Cracker Toffee
I am a big fan of toffee. I recently heard someone at church say she “didn’t really care for toffee,” and it was incomprehensible to me.
Heath or Skor bars are among my favorites. If I splurge on a Blizzard or other similar ice cream treat, I am usually trying to decide between Heath or peanut butter cup flavor. My boyfriend’s kids make Christmas goodie trays every year, and it is a toss-up between the peanut butter balls and the toffee for me as far as what my favorite is. (More to come on their Christmas goodie trays soon.) If this sounds like you, you will probably love these bars. Along with the peppermint popcorn from last week, cracker toffee is one of my top three favorite treats that I make.
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Posted on November 30, 2015
Peppermint Popcorn
Since tomorrow is the first day of December, I think it is officially time to start sharing Christmas goodies. Of course I will share.
I grew up with a fair amount of popcorn in my life. Every Friday and Saturday night my dad would pull out the hot air popper and pop a big bowl of popcorn. If you were really lucky, you’d get to share the big bowl on my dad’s lap in the recliner while watching Dallas. If not, you’d get a smaller bowl of your own. Win, win either way.
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Updated on November 27, 2015
Creamy Turkey and Wild Rice Soup
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have many things for which to be thankful. Now that Thanksgiving is over, everyone will be moving into the full-on Christmas season, but before we get to the goodies, what do you do with all that leftover turkey? I have a delicious idea for you.