Updated on August 28, 2015
Grilled Pizza
I am sure you can guess that I try a lot of new recipes quite often. Luckily, my boyfriend is pretty open about trying new things and rarely complains. (I will never hear the end of “Tater Tot Hotdish,” though. It’s practically the official Minnesota state hotdish and a hometown favorite, but he thought it was disgusting and questions the taste buds of Minnesotans. What could be so offensive about some hamburger and potatoes baked together? I really thought he would like it. I can’t imagine what he would think about lutefisk…)
Anyway. Somewhere along the way I asked Terry about his favorites in food. I wanted to know which of the things that I had made he liked best. I wanted to be sure to include plenty of those things in the regular rotation along with all the new recipes we were trying. Apparently, Terry didn’t get the memo that I was giving him an opportunity to praise me and the food I make. He answered, “pizza, hamburgers, beer.”
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Updated on August 26, 2015
Frozen Banana Pops
I almost forgot about these! For the last few summers, these frozen banana pops have been a dessert staple in our house, and the kids have LOVED them, but somehow August is almost over, and this is the first time I have made them this summer. As they say, “better late than never.” My kids are going to be thrilled when I pull these babies out after school tomorrow.

Updated on August 21, 2015
Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins
Oh my goodness! These muffins are so good. I know I say that about a lot of things here, but these muffins are not just muffins. They are decadent, super deluxe muffins with an oatmeal streusel top that makes you want to eat muffins for your birthday.
For real.
Yesterday was my birthday, and these muffins were my birthday dessert–by my choosing. Earlier in the day, I had said we would eat supper at home and go out somewhere for a dessert, but then I made these muffins, and nothing else sounded as good as these babies. Mmmm.
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Updated on August 19, 2015
Sausage Stuffed Peppers
The garden harvest keeps on coming, and this twist on traditional stuffed peppers is a delicious way to use bell peppers. Most of the time, stuffed peppers are filled with a mixture of ground beef, rice, cheddar cheese, and tomato sauce, and I like them, but the sausage, mozzarella, and basil in this recipe are a nice flavor variation. As with the zucchini boats I made a few weeks ago, my kids were reluctant at first but ended up liking this dish pretty well. The filling is basically a cheesy sausage and rice casserole, so it was the main selling point for the kids. It seems my kids like Italian sausage. Many of their favorites feature sausage.