Posted on March 23, 2015
Strawberry Spinach Salad with Caramelized Pecans and Grilled Chicken
Happy Spring! On Friday the calendar announced that spring has officially sprung. Usually that means warmer nicer weather, but that’s not necessarily true here in Colorado. It may be 70 degrees tomorrow and a winter weather advisory the next day. Spring can be a bit moody. Nonetheless, big beautiful strawberries have arrived at the stores here and their presence just seems to sing the promise of spring. This fresh and colorful salad will make you feel like spring even if it’s snowing outside.

Posted on March 20, 2015
Peanut Butter Eggs [Easy, No bake]
Happy First Day of Spring! With spring here and Easter coming up soon, I am going to share a delicious homemade peanut butter egg (blob, square, ball, whatever shape you want to make it) recipe with you. I mentioned a few posts ago that I do not like chocolate UNLESS it is wrapped around peanut butter and a few other select ingredients. Guess what? This recipe makes a chocolate covered hunk of peanut butter. And it is delicious! I would not be mad at you if you wanted to fill my Easter basket with these.

Updated on March 18, 2015
Help: My Kids Love Ramen Soup and Party Pizza
In the early days of my parenting, I struggled. A lot. (Still do many days.) To give myself a little bit of grace, it is probably reasonable to expect that I struggled a bit; I took custody of a 3 year-old and a 4 1/2 year-old and then six months later added their 14 month-old baby sister to our family. I was also teaching online full-time. There was a lot going on, but I somehow expected everything to go perfectly. I somehow expected that I would do everything perfectly. It didn’t happen that way. And then I believed that everyone else was parenting perfectly, and I was doing everything wrong.
One of my biggest struggles was mealtime. You might think that strange since I obviously love cooking and baking, but I would often go off the deep end at mealtime. I had issues.
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Updated on March 24, 2015
Shamrock Shake (Minty) Cupcakes
Have you recovered from Pi Day yet? I hope you had the opportunity to eat some good pie or other circular foods. Whew! The fun and craziness never stop around here. On Saturday we ate chocolate chip pancakes, and I set the alarm on my phone to go off at 9:26 AM,
so that we could celebrate the first eight digits of pi (3.1415926). The kids and I high-fived each other and said, “Happy Pi Day!” right on time. It was epic. And then I immediately texted a math nerd friend to wish her a happy Pi Day, but the time stamp on my message was 9:27, so I totally missed it. I am hoping it was one of those deals where “it’s the thought that counts.” She knew that I meant well, and seven digits of pi is still pretty amazing anyway.

Posted on March 13, 2015
The Pie/Pi Winner is….
We did an Old School drawing to determine our winner. I put everyone’s name on a piece of paper and then had my boyfriend draw out the name. And the winner is… Sarah, my MOPS leader from last year. Congratulations, Sarah! I will contact you to arrange drop-off of your delicious chocolate silk pie. Thank you to everyone who commented today. Check back again on Monday for some green minty cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day and have a fabulous Pi Day! Look for another giveaway sometime soon. (And I can’t believe I completely missed Friday the 13th today! I hope you triskaidekaphobics are doing o.k. today.) 🙂
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