Updated on May 13, 2016
Real Strawberry Cupcakes and Strawberry Buttercream
It is hard to find a strawberry cake recipe that doesn’t start with a strawberry cake mix or include strawberry jello. These cupcakes are made entirely from scratch and include REAL STRAWBERRIES, if you can imagine that, and they are wonderful!

Updated on May 4, 2016
Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts
A while back, the director of the preschool at our church approached me about making “healthy” donuts for a special Dads and Donuts event they were holding. Initially, I told her that I had never made donuts and that I didn’t think I had the time needed to do the research right then.
No sooner had the lady walked away, and I was doing a quick Google search “just to see” what was out there for “healthy” donuts. As it turns out, there is a lot out there.
Of course I made the donuts for the preschool event.
Surprise, surprise.
Saying “no” might be difficult for me.
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Updated on April 29, 2016
Butterscotch Pudding and Pie
Several years back, a woman approached me one night at our church’s Wednesday night meal to ask me if I knew how to make butterscotch pie. She explained that her husband’s mother used to make it and that it was a family favorite. No one had the original recipe anymore, so she was hoping to find someone who could make it. As the designated “dessert lady” at church, she came to me for help.
My response? “I’ve never made butterscotch pie before, but if you are willing to be guinea pigs, we can try some recipes until we get it right.”
Who’s going to turn down an offer like that?
Pie taster?
It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 🙂
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