Updated on April 15, 2016
Fitbit Crazy
How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions?
Yeah, like many people, I resolved to be healthier in the new year. A friend of mine received some sobering news from her doctor in December indicating that she really needed to get more active and make better eating choices. I knew I needed to take the same kind of action (yet again), so I offered to be an accountability partner. My friend bought herself and me a Fitbit HR for Christmas, so we could motivate each other to be more active.
Little did I know that I would lose my mind in the process.
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Posted on April 11, 2016
Lemon-Stuffed Overnight French Toast with Strawberries
With Mother’s Day coming up in just a few weeks, you may be thinking about something special to make for a breakfast or a brunch. This overnight French toast is something special and a perfect use for the wonderful strawberries coming into the stores right now.
Instead of regular bread, this French toast is taken up a notch with the use of croissants as the base instead, and the strawberry sauce on top takes it over the edge.
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Updated on April 26, 2016
3-Ingredient Fruit Dip
Spring means extra lovely fruits are arriving at the grocery stores. Big red strawberries have already been on sale a few times lately and the blueberries will be soon to follow. I am a BIG fan of fruit all on its own, but sometimes, for a party or other gathering, it is nice to add some dip to make it extra special.
Who doesn’t love dip?
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Updated on April 6, 2016
Coconut Shrimp
Several years back, Terry and I went out for supper at Red Lobster during their shrimp fest. Coconut shrimp with a wonderful piña colada dipping sauce was our favorite. We were in love.
Sometime later I decided to surprise Terry with homemade coconut shrimp for supper for Valentine’s Day or his birthday. This is the recipe that tasted great then and is still great today.
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Posted on April 4, 2016
Classic Lasagna
Lasagna has been a favorite of mine since childhood. My brother, sister, and I LOVED my mom’s lasagna growing up. This is my mom’s lasagna that has been adjusted just a teeny bit.